Rawabet Center : America is preparing for geopolitical war beyond the borders of Iraq

Rawabet Center : America is preparing for geopolitical war beyond the borders of Iraq

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It is not secret to anyone  the  American ambitions in the middle east  where the   most prominent  features of it  was the occupation of Iraq by USA forces  in  2003 , as the USA did not       come to Iraq with aim of liberating and spreading security and safety  , as Washington  has repeatedly claimed , but it came as an occupying state with its obvious  goals and motives ,    a report published by the  Rawabet center for researches and strategic studies under the title  ” America prepares for a geopolitical  war beyond the borders of Iraq”  ,  this report  explained in detail the causes of the US invasion  of Iraq , quoting from experts, and the first is oil because of the surplus  reserves in addition  to easy  extraction  and at the same time  for the elimination of China , which is one of the main importers of Iraqi oil , and from the political aspect , America ‘s control over Iraq has given  it wide access to control over other countries  in the region , especially since Iraq is the eastern gateway to the Arab homeland and civilized force that  can not be underestimated . And the report did not  overlook Washington’s need to strengthen its bases  in Western Sahara , a geographical point from which 39 Scud Missile were launched in 1991 targeting the depth of the Israeli entity as well as its attempt to eliminate  any opportunity to establish  a strong and capable state in the region  where it worked to tear apart the country  and enable the militias to impose their control over many areas of Iraq , which are  clearly supported by Tehran .  The report of the Rawabet  Center for Researches and Strategic Studies revealed a US intention to keep military bases and activate the security and strategic agreement  with the new government  after the upcoming parliamentary elections  and despite  the announcement  of victory  and the elimination  of the  terrorist organization ISIS  in most areas  of Iraq , the US forces  are still  bombing  various places under  the pretext  of the pursuit  of the terrorist  elements , which raises many questions about the reality of the objectives  behind the implementation  of such air strikes , especially with the large number of civilian casualties caused by this bombing.  And here ,  Rawabet Center for Researches  and  Strategic Studies  raises questions about  the credibility  of the US  promises to achieve stability and reconstruction of Iraq in the period called  a period  of post –ISIS  and what is the role of the conflicts  between the influential  parties and militias  in this period  and is there a US role  in addition  to Iran  in the continued fragmentation  on the Iraq arena   and is really that  the Coalition bombing  aimed  at the remnants of the terrorist organization , so America has only won failure and disillusion  with the invasion of Iraq . This is confirmed by events over time , despite its relentless  attempts to steal what can be stolen from the Iraqi wealth , in addition to the decline of its regional and global role , and  the  aggravation  of its  economic problems and the decline of confidence of its allies to it , and   this is  the price of the invasion of Iraq   , which was paid by Washington and still to pay  which is  very expensive .