The Iraqi people’s uprising…vision and features

The Iraqi people’s uprising…vision and features

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The Iraqi political scene has become clearer and deeper in its repercussions, which we see and touch through the massive popular uprising that swept through all the central and southern  provinces  of  Iraq and carried with it deep indications and clear messages that simulated the tragic situation experienced by the Iraqi people in all social, economic and political fields  , the lack of services and poor Health, education and living conditions are all significant signs that frame the general situation in Iraq.

The uprising of the center and the south came to form a unified voice for the Iraqis in the face of all the failures that accompanied the abhorrent political process after the occupation of Iraq by the United States of America and the formation of (5) governments under occupation and Iranian influence , all could not rise to the suffering of the Iraqi people , but have become a heavy burden on him and restricted him with social and economic crisis for (15) years during which the Iraqi citizen , with all his affiliations , did not witness any development or progress in his life paths and did not feel any construction or economic achievement in all agricultural, industrial and commercial fields. The main feature was to continue wasting money and to steal the wealth of the people and control the fate that the beneficiaries and politicians and opportunists want and seek , unknown fate in which to preserve their interests and goals in the ill-gotten gains and the theft of property of Iraq and waste the gains of its people.

From here , pioneers of the popular uprising started to express the truth of this suffering and to draw a clear picture of the Iraqi political scene and raise the slogans of change and claim rights and accountability of corrupt and achieve desired social justice , and with a clear reading of the reality that we are witnessing now and after three weeks we can record the following:

1. The popular uprising was clearly characterized by its goals, directions and trends. It simulated the popular demands that stem from daily suffering in the absence of basic services for electricity and potable water for the citizens and an invitation to address the phenomenon of unemployment among the general youth.
2. The masses of the uprising crowd rejected the process of containing their demonstrations and began to declare themselves as a cry against the corrupt and corruption and called for reform, construction and change and all parties and political blocs were prevented to uproot or abuse it .
3. The masses sent many letters and actual letters when they attacked the headquarters of the parties and the armed militias considering them responsible for the prevailing conditions in Iraq, their economic and living conditions and the absence of real visions and basic programs in establishing a clear economic and social policy to build the country.
4. The popular uprising achieved a political opinion seeking to reject the Iranian presence in Iraq through the slogans and chants that called for the Iranians to leave and to reject their interference in the Iraqi decision and the political situation in Iraq. This demand became clrar by burning the headquarters of the armed militias linked to the Iranian intelligence services and the tearing up and burning images of many religious figures of Iran which were raised in several streets of Basra and the rest of the provinces, including pictures of Khomeini and Khamenei.
5. To seek a clear and precise coordination of the events, to set their dates, to draw up their features and to establish coordinating committees that will ensure their continuation until the achievement of their goals and objectives for which the demonstrations ere launched after the despair of the Iraqi people from the false promises made by many politicians and heads of political parties.
6. The government processes for the crisis were ineffective and can not be achieved in the near future and was carrying in it quick methods of trying to absorb the popular resentment faced by the Iraqi government and all observers of the Iraqi political scene say where was the prime ministry of these measures and why it was taken now?
7. Using violence and arbitrary security measures against the demonstrators using live bullets, tear gas, water hoses and batons, killing 17 civilians, injuring 729 others and arresting more than 500 demonstrators. 336 of them were released due to the protests called by organizations of Human Rights and the Iraqi Observatory for Freedoms
8. The rise of popular demands and the protesters shouted slogans (people want to overthrow political parties), a slogan similar to the events that took place in many Arab capitals in the spring of 2011 and demanded the overthrow of the ruling regimes.
9. The promises made by the Iraqi government and announced to the  protesters  after several meetings with tribal leaders and influential social figures in the volatile provinces will be a burden if it can not achieve and fulfill them. This is what the protesters expressed by giving  the government a period of ten days and then resuming the uprising ( Intifada) and demanding an end for  the age of the Iraqi political class accused of corruption and nepotism, and  this end may not come quickly, but the revolutionaries put its  introductions  clearly.

Iraqi Studies Unit
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies