Arab Gulf countries and Iran : To responde to what is written in an editorial in Al-Rai Al-Youm

Arab Gulf countries and Iran : To responde to what is written in an editorial in Al-Rai Al-Youm

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Prejudice , and chicaneries on the Arab Gulf countries and misuse the political terms and exaggerations were the most prominent title of the editorial of newspaper of Al-Rai Al-Youm ” today ” opinion,” published on the18th of the current January, and this came in the context of the announcement of the lifting of economic sanctions imposed on the background of Iran’s nuclear project. In this context, we will shed light on the most important aspects of prejudice and chicanery, and misuse the terms that come to those mentioned by the editorial , which are as follows:
It was reported in the title of editorial the phrase “depression in the Gulf states,” and this phrase include a severe prejudice on the Arab Gulf states, as it is known that depression, mental illness suffered by a individual, and the individual may reach, in the event of growing of its effect , to the suicide. The countries do not get it -If economic sanctions are lifted from another state , it may feel disturbed and dissatisfaction , states according to political science are rankings either strong state or middle, or weak, and it is not mentioned within these classifications the phrase depressed state ! as the editorial of the Al-Rai Al-Youm likes to describe the Arab Gulf states.
We come now on the subject matter of the editorial to show these fallacies, and misuse of the political terms ,and it is possible to point out this in the following phrase : ” evidence for the commitment of Iran’s nuclear agreement signed on July 17 (July) with the six super states.” What concerns us in this phrase is the sentence ” six super states,” The question in this context are all States that have signed the agreement with Iran superpower countries? And what is the criteria by which the editorial adopted in this classification? What distinguishes the state from the other in terms of classification being a superpower, or major, is what possesses of possibilities , is the capacity of the United States equal with the capabilities of Germany or France, for example? Of course not. The capabilities of these two countries are classified among the major powers, not Great.
It can also indicate to misuse the political term in the following statement: “lifting sanctions on Iran would strengthen its regional ambitions as a regional superpower,” and we will stop here with the phrase “superpower”, as it appears that the editorial is not fully informed on the inside of Iran, and the state of social anxiety which afflicted it noting that the non- Persian nationalities like the albloushis, Kurds and Arab and communities as the Sunnis in Iran who suffer national and sectarian discrimination against them, and this distinction was deepened after the Iranian revolution so it came to those ethnic groups demanding secession from the Iranian state, and this claim is not restricted on those nationalities , but also on national Azerbaijani , so despite the political, economic and social status enjoyed by those at the level of the national state and the Iranian society, but it demanded secession from the Iranian state, and to join the state of Azerbaijan. So which Iranian super power, the editorial is talking about ?, Great regional state is not based on oppression and discrimination against those who opposed it in the doctrine and race.
As for the exaggeration in the editorial ,it can be monitored in the following: “more than $ 50 billion of frozen funds flow (the amount of a hundred billion) on the Iranian treasury” and ask ourselves here is this amount is enough for Iran to buy 150 civilian aircraft, and more than two million cars, and modernization of the creaking railway sector , and other infrastructures ? in this case, Iran does not need only to this amount but it needs to double it to develop .
Regarding fallacious, which came in the editorial , we quote the following: “gloom that pervades the Arab Gulf states, or most of them, reflected negatively on the stock exchanges, and the movement of the stock sale maniacally, which led to a fall of more than five percent in all at once , where Saudi shares dropped to lowest level (5520 points) since five years …. Etc
“it is clear from this quote that the downturn that hit the stock exchanges of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar , may deadly hit them but the decline according to economic fluctuations policy is permissible hindsight, so the state which it is started to lift the embargo on it is a state next to Arab Gulf states and naturally will be affected by this lifting, whether positively or negatively, but it is not normal this an exaggeration of the decline in stock prices in the Gulf bourses, Gulf Stock markets like the rest of the world stock markets are affected by economic events, and then compensate for stability after passing that event. Proof of this is the exposure of Gulf economy to successive crises on the backgrouned of the collapse of world markets between 2008 and 2009, but they were able to stand up again, and remedy the losses through the purchase of the assets of international companies, non-performing operations, and was most notably the purchase of sovereign wealth fund of Kuwait “General Authority for Investment a stake in US Citigroup Bank, in 2009. What I would like to say two things here
first: The ways the face of the economic crisis is not non-existent, and the other, it can be for the editorial of Al-Rai Al-youm “opinion today,” to rejoice! If it continued to decline in the Gulf bourses without work on the response to it , in terms of “unfortunately” the troubles of the Arab Gulf economy are of much benefit for us !!
As for the most fallacy it came on the editorial to mention it , quote of which can be mentioned in the following: “This Iranian return ,to export of Iranian oil to the world markets according to its quota by OPEC, which is estimated at five million means further drop in oil prices to nearly twenty dollars , which would be a disaster for the Gulf states facing huge deficits in its budget, and the erosion of external balances, and find out some of them, such as Saudi Arabia to the brink of bankruptcy, “the editorial also says:” The Iranians may resort to revenge from the Gulf, and the opponent Saudi Arabia, who followed policy of reduction in the price of oil to pump additional amounts of oil up to two million barrels to flood the markets, to cause damage to the the Iranians and the Russians because of their position in support of the Syrian system. ”
It seems from this quote that the editorial is very joy for the return of Iranian oil to world markets to cause damage to the Gulf economy , as they are also very joy of whether the Iranians decided to take revenge on the Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia, due to the clear position of it towards President Bashar al-Assad. But it is not delightful for this editorial that all that brought is a misleading information to the reader, since it is not for the economic interests of Iran working to reduce the price of oil, because Iran’s economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, as the Iranian budget , it accounts for 80 percent of it , The decline in Oil prices nearly twenty dollars as the “editorial ” hoping does not serve the Iranian economy if we know that the cost of producing a barrel of Iranian oil of US $ 18, so to sell the Iranian oil by the price at which the editorial hoping is merely a disaster on the Iranian economy, not the Gulf.
Experts economists contend in order to promote the Iranian economy and the oil-Iranian economic feasibility, they need to sell a barrel of oil at a price not less than US $ 77, and to suppose and in keeping with the hope of “editorial” Oil fell less than twenty dollars, Iran is the largest affected, because they do not spend funds to the Iranian people who its population have reached of about 75 million people, but also on the militias deployed in Arab countries like Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen and its militia and the most in Iraq, and its ally in Syria, Bashar al-Assad , and the Afghan and Pakistani, Korean, Russian militias who are fighting with him , not to mention their secret organizations called cells in the Arab Gulf states, then we wonder , how Iran will cover the internal and external expenses with lower oil prices. The countries of the Arabian Gulf, on the contrary to them , they spend its money on its people and provide aid and loans to some Arab countries and has no militias in order to be committed spending on them.
As for the impact of lower oil prices on the Arab Gulf states , there is no doubt that there is a damage to it but can be overtaken by the sovereign funds that represent a factor of stability of their economies, they resort to it in times of economic crisis and fluctuations in world oil prices. For example, Abu Dhabi Fund ranks second in the world, the Saudi is the third in the world , and the Kuwaiti is the fifth largest in the world, and by this designation, the Arab Gulf States has about 35 percent of the funds of sovereign funds in the world. An amount close to US $ 2.688 trillion in the second quarter of 2015. Thus, the Arab Gulf states are less harmful than Iran in the event of continued decline in oil prices. This is not a hope of editorial and in the second time we say “unfortunately”.

In conclusion as we are concerned in this response is not to make clear of the factors that will work on the prosperity of the Iranian economy after the lifting of international sanctions on it or not, but that concerns us Why all this prejudice that reaches to the level of revenge in this editorial by the newspaper “opinion today, on ” the Arab Gulf States?!

Rawabet Center for  Research and Strategic Studies