Balfour and Trump: The ominous decision

Balfour and Trump: The ominous decision

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Political and media positions, cries, and popular attitudes throughout the Muslim world and the Arab nation are escalating after US President Ronald Trump’s decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as the capital of the occupying Zionist entity.
The resolution fully and openly expressed about the close relationship, the common interests and the full adoption of the American administration in favor of Israel and the recognition of its occupation of the Palestinian land and its full bias towards the Zionist side away from the strategic alliances and diplomatic positions that link it with the rest of its allies in the Arab region and the Middle East.
This resolution confirms the reality of the United States and its positions since the Zionist occupation of beloved Palestine on 15 May 1948 and its adoption to the continuation of aggression and the concept of occupation and defend the aggressor and opposes the right and freedom and legitimate rights of our Palestinian revolutionary people.
The Arab nation, its national forces and its popular bodies stand today in front of a great challenge to the American arrogance and hegemony over international resolutions and away from the concepts of international justice and its violation of all international resolutions condemning the occupation and its decision to transfer its embassy to the occupied Jerusalem and obliterate its religious features and its genuine Arab belonging throughout history and not adopt fair principles and positions of the Palestinian issue, which was calling and supports falsely and untruly negotiations and dialogues between the Palestinian leaders and representatives of the Zionist entity and wished its allies in the region false promises on the adoption of the principle of two states and work on ending the Arab – Zionist conflict.
The goals and objectives sought by the US administration at this particular time, but to point to the reality of US positions, which can be seen from several angles, the most important of which are :
1. The American decision to occupy Iraq on the ninth of April 2003 was the real beginning of the implementation of the US Congress resolution, which was enacted in 1995 as Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity and demand the US administration to transfer its embassy from the city of Tel Aviv to honorable Jerusalem, noting that the exit Iraq from the circle of Arab- Zionist conflict , as an Arab country with its Arab and Islamic influence, and its strong and expressive speech, which calls for the rights of the Palestinian people and its continuous defense of the hopes and objectives of this authentic Arab people and its steadfastness against all unjust decisions that encourage the Zionist aggression and occupation , has participated to strengthen the US administration and support it and shares in the declaration of recognition of the city of Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity.
2. The American administration and its unjust and arrogant decision did not surprise the forces, bodies and national parties because everyone understands the reality of the United States and its objectives and the extent of its close relationship with the Zionist entity and the support received from successive administrations on the administration of the White House, but surprised those who were really dependent on US positions and seeks to adopt them and to promote them and deceive the Arab and Palestinian people by marketing the American goals as seeking to work seriously to end the Palestinian-Zionist conflict to ensure the rights of the Palestinian people and the right to establish his state.
3. All those who join and support the American administration and work on the direction that helps him to stay and firmly believes that the United States is the main ally and can protect and support him , has to look accurately and clearly and take a lesson from the recent positions of this administration and how it gave up its promises made to its allies In the Arab region on its role and positions in the Arab-Zionist conflict.
4. Many political observers and those who interested in the Arab political situation see that President Trump has challenged the peoples of the Islamic and Arab nations in their feelings and affiliations with his disgraceful decision to transfer the American Embassy to Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem). But we see that he challenged all his allies and partners in our Arab region and our Islamic world. All must realize this matter.
5. He gave false and misleading legitimacy to the Zionist entity and its tools and ears to raise their voice and say that we do not accept any future negotiations or conduct a peaceful political process for our conflict with the Palestinians except by recognizing that al-Quds (Jerusalem) is our capital and this is confirmed by Netanyahu after the decision of US president. .
6. The American decision is in line with the reality of the global hostility towards the Arabs and Muslims since the disastrous Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, and on December 6, 2017. It is the frankly declared position of support for world Zionism. Let us consider that 100 years that it deserve our consideration and know that the West and its tools have read history properly and they are really working to continue to stand by the occupation, which they created 100 years ago, a settlement project in our Arab region to take over its will and the loss of its rights and independence.
And whatever the political visions and positions supporting the Zionist entity and the continuation of support , all this does not mean the loss of Palestinian rights and the future of our Arab nation and its struggling people , but is a historic turning point in its life to restore its calculations and a new start and stop against the imperialist goals of the United States and Al-Quds Al-Sharif will remain in the passion of our hearts and eyeballs and Victory is only from the dear God.

Arab Studies Unit
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies