Abadi builds a state of institutions in Iraq with wisdom and ability

Abadi builds a state of institutions in Iraq with wisdom and ability

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Abadi leads Iraq towards institutionalism and modernization
Since the accession of Haidar Abadi prime ministry of Iraq; he records continuous successes in more than one level, and sets out the foundations of building of state institutions and fighting corruption, and his policy is flexible in the management of dealing with internal and external crises noting that his uniqueness as a leading figure respected and appreciated inside and outside Iraq has helped him to achieve this goal ,and this emerged in his policy in the war against ISIS and liberation of Iraq.

Security level
Abadi, the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, was able to confront terrorism , the terrorist organization “ISIS and defeated it in various Iraqi provinces, clearing the Western deserts, restricting weapons in the hands of the state and abolishing armed manifestations and ensure respect for judiciary and the rule of law in all joints of the state and society .
Abadi stressed the need to continue with all the strength and determination and cooperation of all in combating corruption in all its forms and shapes because it is the largest incubator of terrorism and crime. He focused on the exclusion of state institutions and departments from political interference and quotas and don’t take hold of state and public positions for justice.

Reconstruction of Iraq
Abadi is working hard to achieve his vision of rebuilding Iraq in all areas, to be in the ranks of the developed countries, taking in to consideration its civilized history throughout the ages as Baghdad was the capital of the civilized world, and Abadi seeks to get Iraq out of the dark tunnel , occurred by the occupation and spoilers , by restoring the national cohesion and establish a policy of living between Social components in it rejecting the sectarian approach to the exercise of governance in Iraq and the fight against corruption and restrict arms in the hands of the state under the law with the prevention of any outlaws or harming the security of the state.

Al-Abadi stresses community reconciliation, which is more comprehensive than the national reconciliation required in turn between parties and sects that the community reconciliation enters into every Iraqi house in which terrorism and Takfiri thought tried to distort beliefs and raise hatred among its members.

Economic side
Abadi raises the slogan of fighting corruption in all the joints of the Iraqi state, as the performance of work in his era has been improved in most of the Iraqi ministries and a good example of this is the successes achieved by the Ministry of Oil thanks to the solid directives and good leadership of Abadi and his follow-up to the implementation of current and future development plans; and hard work and efforts of Al-Allaibi, who has achieved success and leadership in all its work, and management of the policy of “OPEC” and Iraq’s deal with it, as it witnessed qualitative shifts in energy production, and a significant development in the oil industry in Iraq.

One of Abbadi’s distinctive successes is the referral of the service contract to the East Baghdad field – the southern part for the extraction of crude oil from the province of Baghdad, which in turn supplies the power plants to the province without the need to transfer it from other provinces.
Including expanding al- Nasiriyah oil field to increase production from 100 thousand barrels per day to 200 thousand barrels per day, and discuss the formation of a joint committee of the Ministries of Electricity and Oil to consider the possibility of cooperation with Iraqi private sector companies to set up a dry gas station to feed the line that provides power plants with electricity.

Abadi fights corruption
Abadi believes the elimination of corruption is a war in which he promised Iraqis to win. It is a war on financial and administrative corruption in the state apparatus, in particular, in a comprehensive report calling for its fight against corruption, which will include corrupt and public money smugglers and those involved in money laundering. Stressing that the next stage will be the stage of economic prosperity and punishment of corrupt. He said: “We will fulfill with all the promises we have made and we will achieve the aspirations of the Iraqis with our cooperation together and in the same spirit and momentum that we went through during the liberation and victory and the unification of the country.”

Under his guidance, the Iraqi Integrity Commission revealed last August that 216 travel ban resolutions were issued on corruption cases during 2017. Chief of the commission Hassan al-Yassiri said: “The total number of travel ban orders issued against officials related to corruption investigations during the first half of last year 2017, amounted 216, ” explaining that 4 orders to prevent travel issued against ministers and those of their rank and 17 against the people of special grades and directors-general and those of their rank. ”

On the social level, Abadi enjoys great popularity among the Iraqi people, according to a poll conducted by the Washington Institute in June this year in Anbar province, Salah al-Din and Mosul, Haider Abadi has the confidence of Iraqi citizens in those provinces and they put their optimism and confidence to him to lead Iraq towards prosperity and progress in various walks of life. The same poll said that Abadi would determine the fate of Iraq in the post-“ISIS” if he succeeded in investing this wave of confidence in his leadership. More than 70% of the Sunnis and 60% of Shiites support Abadi.

In addition, 50% of the Sunnis in general and 53% of those under the control of Da’ash support a second term for Abadi, compared with 35% among Shiites. This confidence in Abadi led two-thirds of the population of Mosul to favor any governor appointed by him , even by the Shiite community, to the current governor of Mosul. This great confidence in Abbadi and his leadership has also driven the vast majority of Mosul residents to reject any kind of highly decentralized federal settlement for the future administration of their city. They prefer to remain part of the federal Iraqi state and reject any call for any other proposed settlement along the lines of the proposal of the semi-autonomous region. In the same context, more than 80% of the Sunnis, especially those who have experienced life under the control of “Daash”, want the Iraqi army and police to be the main security forces in their areas, not local tribal forces. The positive message that Abadi succeeded in conveying to the inhabitants of the liberated areas is that the state, while in its weakest form and most volatile stage, is still the only party capable of protecting its citizens.

Abadi stressed the Iraqi territorial integrity and his total rejection of the results of the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan and took practical measures to defeat it.

Abadi and foreign relations
Haidar Abadi pursued the policy of openness and rapprochement with the Arab countries. He visited Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. These visits are only practical proof that Iraq does not get along without its Arab depth, which will be reflected positively on all diplomatic, economic, military and security levels.
Turkish-Iraqi relations have recently been close, despite the tension that has soured relations between the two countries against the backdrop of the “Bashika camp”. Abadi is well aware that relations between countries do not go in a straight line
At the international level, since his arrival in Iraq, Abadi has enjoyed international support, foremost of which is the support of the United States of America, both under the former US administration and the current administration of Donald Trump, and the support of the European Union, led by Germany and France.

Abadi leads the next election:

Al-Abbadi alliance in the list called Nasr Al-Iraq – or the Victory coalition, which includes 40 entities, to become the largest alliances that will run in the next election.”
The alliance “Nasr Al-Iraq is a cross – sectarianism, combining movements of all components of the Iraqi people.

Abadi stressed that the alliance of “Nasr Al-Iraq is a cross-sectarianism, discrimination and discrimination,” calling on political entities to join it.
He added “It is time to harvest victory and start a new era and a better life for our future generations. Our national and human wealth will make Iraq one of the most stable and prosperous countries if we choose the path carefully and have sincere intentions.”

The newspaper “The Wall Street Journal” in a report published expected that the Prime Minister Haider Abadi will stay in office after the next election, noting that the alliances after May, which will decide the form of the next government.

“The multiplicity of political forces and fragmentation of the Iraqi parliamentary system means that post-election bargaining is what determines the course of the state rather than the elections itself,” the paper said in its report.

“The election results will produce another coalition government headed by Abbadi, and there is no coherent opposition that can easily overcome him,” the paper quoted Fanar Haddad, an Iraqi politician at the National University of Singapore, as saying.

Based on Haidar al-Abadi’s achievements at the domestic and foreign levels , the US foreign policy journal , specialized in international political affairs, has described him as the world’s foremost thinker. Professor Fukuyama, a professor of economics and politics, wrote in a commentary on the choice of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Foreign Policy magazine 2017, saying Iraq could turn into an unexpected success story.

The news paper indicated and according to an article by the American writer David Kniar that Abadi has managed to keep Iraq united , pointing out that Abadi has faced the most difficult work in the complex map of the Middle East, making his achievements remarkable successes never seen before, and over the past years, as he was able to expel the terrorist organization ISIS from all Iraqi cities, and launched the broadest plan to implement a campaign against corruption in State sectors and institutions.

The newspaper referred to the main and influential role of Abadi, in preventing Iraq from being dragged or made it a scene of regional conflicts , drawing the domestic political map wisely and accurately. Abadi was able with his political wisdom to bring together the political components of Iraq, the political wisdom in which his political opponents could not abort it.
The newspaper made it clear that Abadi’s attempt to keep Iraq united requires him to fight more than terrorists. In October, after the Kurds held a referendum on independence, he launched a successful operation to restore the oil-rich Kirkuk region from the Peshmerga and extended the “hand of peace” to the Kurdish citizens and preserve their lives, “Any attack on the Kurds is an attack on us,” he said on October 17 in response to Kurdish incidents.

The newspaper stressed that these moves are a higher example in the philosophy of Abadi.wisdom.

Economic Studies Unit
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies