Barzani receives commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria

Barzani receives commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria

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The head of the Kurdistan  Regional Government (KRG )   Nechirvan  Barzani  praised  the positions of USA in   supporting Iraq and the region  in the war against  the terrorist organization ISIS .

Barzani , during his meeting with the commander of the American forces in Iraq and Syria ,General Paul Funk, stressed on  the need  for continued  assistance   by Washington   to   prevent the return of terrorism again , stressing the continued military  and intelligence  coordination between the Federal forces and Peshmerga , adding that the region is looking forward to expand dialogue with Baghdad  in order to solve  all problems .

Funk stressed on the US  continued support to the region as an important partner to prevent the emergence of terrorism  again , hoping to develop dialogue between Baghdad  and Erbil and solve problems according to the Constitution .