Tracking Chinese Statements on the Hamas-Israel Conflict

Tracking Chinese Statements on the Hamas-Israel Conflict

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In almost every conflict between Hamas and Israel, China’s messaging has followed a familiar pattern: urge all parties to exercise restraint, reiterate the importance of the two-state solution, and pledge commitment to supporting peace negotiations, typically through an international conference. Historically, Beijing has sought to balance its economic relationship with Israel against its desire to appear as a champion for the Palestinians on the global scene. Hence, even when its statements called out Israel explicitly, they tended to do so in the context of seeking broader de-escalation. During the 2012 conflict, for instance, China urged “all relevant parties, the Israeli side in particular, to exercise maximum restraint”; in 2014, it immediately called for a ceasefire and noted, “To counter violence with violence will not help resolve problems other than pile up more hatred”; and in 2021, Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated that Beijing “strongly condemns violent acts against civilians and once again urges both parties to the conflict to immediately stop military and hostile actions…Israel must exercise restraint in particular.”

The latest Gaza war has seen a slight shift in these talking points. Besides the usual calls for implementing a ceasefire, returning to negotiations, and fulfilling the two-state solution, Beijing has been more direct in criticizing Israel’s response to the October 7 Hamas attack—for instance, in an October 15 call with his Saudi counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang blasted Israel’s actions in Gaza as “beyond the scope of self-defense,” describing them as collective punishment. Beijing has also criticized U.S. votes in Israel’s favor at the United Nations, while official state media have amplified criticism of Israel and anti-Semitic tropes. In response, Israeli officials have expressed “deep disappointment” with China’s stance.

Below are notable Chinese government statements on the conflict so far. As the war drags on and Beijing continues weighing in, The Washington Institute will update the tracker.

Oct. 8: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“The recurrence of the conflict shows once again that the protracted standstill of the peace process cannot go on. The fundamental way out of the conflict lies in implementing the two-state solution and establishing an independent State of Palestine. The international community needs to act with greater urgency, step up input into the Palestinian question, facilitate the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and find a way to bring about enduring peace.”

Oct. 9: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China is closely following the escalating conflict between Palestine and Israel. We’re deeply saddened by the civilian casualties and oppose and condemn acts that harm civilians. We oppose moves that escalate the conflict and destabilize the region and hope fighting will stop and peace will return soon.”

“On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has always been on the side of equity and justice. As a friend to both Israel and Palestine, what we hope to see is the two countries living together in peace and enjoying security and growth together. The key to achieving that lies in the realization of the two-state solution and establishment of an independent State of Palestine.”

Oct. 10: Special Envoy Zhai Jun calls Egyptian Foreign Ministry

“The root cause of the cycle of conflict between Palestine and Israel is that the Palestinian question still has not been settled in a just manner, and the fundamental way out lies in implementing the two-state solution. The international community should make earnest efforts to advance the two-state solution with the greatest sense of urgency. China is ready to maintain communication and coordination with Egypt, promote the two parties to the conflict to cease fire and end violence, encourage the international community to form synergy, and provide the Palestinian people with humanitarian support so as to avoid the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, in particular the Gaza Strip, from being even escalated.”

Oct. 11: Special Envoy Zhai Jun calls Palestinian Foreign Ministry

“China is deeply saddened by many innocent civilian casualties caused by the current escalation of the Palestine-Israel conflict and deeply concerned over the serious deterioration of the security and humanitarian situation in Palestine. The most pressing task is to cease fire immediately and protect civilians. The international community should earnestly play its role to jointly promote the de-escalation of the situation and provide the Palestinian people with humanitarian assistance.”

Oct. 12: Foreign Minister Wang Yi calls chief advisor to the president of Brazil

“China supports the Security Council in holding an emergency meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, agrees that the meeting should focus on humanitarian concerns, demand a ceasefire, an end to violence and the protection of civilians, form a binding international consensus and take concrete next steps.”

Oct. 12: Special Envoy Zhai Jun calls Israel’s Foreign Ministry

“China condemns actions that harm innocent civilians, and calls for an early ceasefire and the end of violence, and resuming talks for peace on the basis of the ‘two-state solution’ to boost the two peoples’ confidence in achieving peace. The international community should play an effective role to avoid further escalation of the situation which will lead to humanitarian disasters. China does not have selfish interests in the Palestinian question, and has always been on the side of peace, equity and justice.”

Oct. 13: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference; statement by UN Ambassador Zhang Jun

“On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as I just said, China has always been on the side of equity and justice. We oppose acts that harm civilians and violate international law. We are committed to promoting peace talks and achieving a ceasefire and will continue to work for de-escalation and resumption of peace talks…Over the past few days, Special Envoy Zhai Jun has been having phone conversations with foreign ministry officials of Middle East countries, including Palestine, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to talk about the current tensions between Palestine and Israel. He called for efforts to cool down the situation, avoid [the] conflict’s expansion, protect civilians and prevent a humanitarian disaster due to the escalation. Special Envoy Zhai Jun stressed during the phone calls that to end the cycle of conflict between Palestine and Israel, the key is to return to the two-state solution as the basis, restore peace talks, establish an independent State of Palestine, and realize the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel. The international community needs to step up to that responsibility and create conditions for the resumption of the peace process.”

“China reiterates its call on all parties to exercise maximum restraints, and its support for all efforts to realize a ceasefire as soon as possible, so as to prevent further escalation of tensions and the spillover of the flames of war impacting regional and international security…The indiscriminate use of force is unacceptable, and neither Palestinian nor Israeli civilians should be targeted…Ambassador Zhang expressed China’s grave concerns about the consequences of Israel’s imposition of a full siege on Gaza and its order of a 24-hour emergency evacuation of the population in northern Gaza. China calls on Israel to heed the appeals of the international community and the UN secretary-general to stop the collective punishment of the people in Gaza, so as to avoid exacerbating the humanitarian disasters.”

Oct. 14: Wang Yi phone call with Saudi foreign minister

“Israel’s actions have gone beyond the scope of self-defense, and Israel should heed the call of the international community and the Secretary-General of the United Nations and stop its group punishment to the people in Gaza. All parties should not take any action that will lead to escalation of the situation and should get back to the negotiating table as soon as possible…China believes that the historical injustice against Palestine has lasted for more than half a century and cannot go on.”

Oct. 14: Wang Yi phone call with Secretary of State Antony Blinken

“China calls for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible, to reach broad consensus…When dealing with international and regional hotspot issues, major countries should remain objective, fair and calm, exercise restraint, and take the lead in observing the international law…China will continue to promote peace talks in accordance with the basic principles put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

Oct. 15: Wang Yi phone call with foreign minister of Iran

“China supports Islamic countries in strengthening solidarity and coordination and speaking with one voice on the Palestinian question. The international community should act and oppose moves that harm civilians by any party. The United Nations, especially the Security Council, should earnestly shoulder its responsibilities and play its due role…Such a historical injustice should be ended as soon as possible. China will continue to stand on the side of peace and justice, and support the Palestinian people’s just cause of safeguarding their national rights.”

Oct. 15: Wang Yi phone call with foreign minister of Turkey

“The right to self-defense should be exercised in accordance with international humanitarian law and should not be at the expense of innocent civilian casualties. Parties to the conflict should exercise restraint, cease fire, and end the war immediately, seek dialogue, and must guarantee the most basic living conditions of the people in the Gaza Strip, and open corridors for humanitarian assistance as soon as possible. The Palestinian question is always the core of the Middle East issue. If this question is not settled in a just and reasonable manner, it is impossible for the Middle East to realize lasting peace.”

Oct. 16: China’s ambassador to Bangladesh meets with Palestinian counterpart

“Regarding the question of Palestine, it is at the heart of the Middle East issue and a wound that keeps being torn open in today’s world. The root cause of this question lies in the long delay in realizing the dream of an independent State of Palestine and the failure to redress the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people. Israel has the right to statehood, so does Palestine. The Israelis have obtained the safeguards for survival, but who will care about the survival of the Palestinians? The Jewish nation is no longer homeless in the world, but when will the Palestinian nation return to its home? There is no shortage of injustices in the world, but the injustice to Palestine has dragged on for over half a century. The sufferings that plagued generations must not continue.”

Oct. 16: Wang Yi meets with Russian foreign minister

“China condemns all acts that harm civilians and opposes any violation of international law. It is necessary for the UN Security Council to take action and for big countries to play an active part. The pressing task is to cease fire and end the war, bring the two sides back to negotiation, and establish corridors for emergency humanitarian assistance to prevent more serious humanitarian disasters. The fundamental resolution is to activate the two-state solution as soon as possible so as to reach broader consensus and develop the timetable and roadmap for restoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation.”

Oct. 17: UN Ambassador Zhang Jun explains vote; Wang Yi meets with UN secretary-general

“The latest escalation of conflicts between Palestine and Israel has caused massive civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, with its spillover effects impacting regional peace and stability. China is deeply concerned about this…In light of this grave situation, China calls for stopping the fight as soon as possible, preventing it from spreading endlessly, and avoiding further deterioration of the situation.”

“China supports the UN in playing a bigger role, realizing ceasefire and de-escalation as soon as possible, getting back to the track of negotiation, and building broader international consensus on implementing the two-state solution. The three-point proposal put forth by President Xi Jinping on the Palestinian question is the fundamental guidance for China to deal with the Palestinian question, and China is ready to continue to strengthen coordination and communication with the UN in this endeavor.”

Oct. 18: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference on al-Ahli Hospital incident

“China is shocked by and strongly condemns the attack on the hospital in Gaza, which has caused massive casualties. We mourn for the victims and extend sympathies to the injured. China calls for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities and every possible effort to protect civilians and avert an even worse humanitarian disaster.”

Oct. 18: UN Ambassador Zhang Jun UN vote statement and remarks at UN Security Council emergency briefing

“The ground situation in Gaza is quickly escalating. Yesterday’s airstrike on the al-Ahli Hospital resulted in hundreds of civilian deaths. China strongly condemns the airstrike against the hospital. We urge Israel to earnestly fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law. We call for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and avoid a greater humanitarian catastrophe…More and more civilians are paying the price. The [Security] Council should heed the just call of the Arab countries and the Palestinian people and fulfill its obligations and play its due role in promoting ceasefire, protecting civilians, and avoiding a greater humanitarian disaster.”

“As a result of the total siege imposed by Israel, the supply of water, electricity, and fuel in the Gaza Strip has been cut off. The basic supplies such as food and medicine are dwindling and urgently needed. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to move south because of the emergency evacuation order issued by Israel, only to suffer from airstrikes in the south as well…We call on Israel to lift the full blockade on Gaza, retrieve the emergency evacuation order, and stop the airstrikes around the Rafah crossing.”

Oct. 19: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China is deeply disappointed at the U.S. blocking the Security Council resolution. As tensions continue to escalate, the Security Council needs to listen to the call from the many Arab countries and the Palestinian people and live up to its duty and play its role in bringing about a ceasefire, protecting civilians, and averting an even worse humanitarian disaster.”

Oct. 19: Special Envoy Zhai Jun meets with Russian counterpart

“China and Russia have the same position on the Palestinian issue. China is willing to maintain communication and coordination with Russia to promote the de-escalation of the situation as soon as possible and play a positive role in resuming the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, truly implementing the ‘two-state solution,’ and promoting an early comprehensive, fair and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.”

Oct. 20: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“After the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7, more than 280 Chinese citizens were stranded in Sderot in southern Israel and faced high security risk. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs directed the Chinese Embassy in Israel to act swiftly to organize their relocation and evacuation. With the concerted efforts on the ground and back home, the stranded Chinese nationals have all left Sderot. Some have returned to China on commercial flights. According to the numbers we have at this point, since the conflict broke out, over 1,000 Chinese nationals have left Israel for China or a third country. We will continue to work hard to assist our fellow citizens.”

Oct. 21: Special Envoy Zhai Jun attends the Cairo summit, meets with secretary-general of the Arab League

“The United Nations should promote the convening of a more authoritative and more influential international conference for peace at a larger scale as soon as possible, so as to pool international consensus for peace and work for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.”

“China believes that military power is not a solution to the question, and combating violence with violence will only lead to a vicious tit-for-tat circle and create obstacles to the political settlement of the Palestinian question.”

Oct. 22: Special Envoy Zhai Jun visits Egypt

“China supports Egypt in opening up corridors for humanitarian rescue and assistance to Gaza. China has already provided the people in Gaza with emergency humanitarian rescue and assistance, and will continue to do that. China and Egypt share similar positions on the Palestinian question, and China is ready to work with Egypt to jointly promote the international community to form synergy for peace, and bring the Palestinian question back on the track of a political settlement at an early date.”

Oct. 23: Wang Yi speaks with Israeli foreign minister

“All countries have the right to self-defense, but they should respect international humanitarian law and protect the safety of civilians. The top priority now is to prevent the situation from further escalating and causing a more serious humanitarian disaster.”

Oct. 23: Wang Yi speaks with Palestinian foreign minister

“The only way out of the Palestinian question is to implement the two-state solution and ensure the Palestinian people’s right to subsistence, statehood and right to return. China calls for convening a more authoritative, broad-based and effective international peace conference as soon as possible to promote the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and to formulate a specific timetable and road-map to this end…China will continue to stand on the side of international fairness and justice, and make relentless efforts with the international community for a comprehensive, just and enduring solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.”

Oct. 24: Remarks by UN Ambassador Zhang Jun at Security Council briefing

“A comprehensive ceasefire must be pursued above all else. A ceasefire must be achieved without delay. This is the call made by Secretary-General Guterres. This is the call made by the leaders of Arab countries at the Cairo Summit on October 21. This is the call made by the WHO, WFP, and UNRWA, as well as humanitarian agencies that are carrying out relief work in Gaza…

“China calls for diplomatic efforts for the immediate release of hostages. At the same time, it should be pointed out that the indiscriminate use of force is unacceptable, that civilian facilities such as hospitals and schools should not and must not be the targets of military operations, and that the safety of UN staff and humanitarian and medical workers must be guaranteed. We call for a thorough investigation into the attack on al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, which resulted in heavy civilian casualties. We oppose the forced displacement and relocation of the population in Gaza. We urge Israel to comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law and to immediately rescind the emergency evacuation order for northern Gaza…

“China has no self-interest on the question of Palestine. Any initiative that contributes to peace will receive China’s staunch support. Any endeavor that facilitates Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation will be pursued by China with all-out efforts. China will continue to stand on the side of international fairness and justice, on the side of international law, and on the side of the legitimate aspirations of the Arab and Islamic world.”

Oct. 25: UN Ambassador Zhang Jun responds to U.S.-sponsored Security Council draft resolution

“On Saturday evening, the US introduced a new draft resolution that set aside the consensus of the members, included many elements that were still deeply divisive, and went far beyond the humanitarian realm. Many Council members, including China, Russia, UAE, and Brazil, proposed amendments to the text. However, the sponsor, ignoring the major concerns of relevant members, made only cosmetic changes to the draft before the text was put in blue in order to rush the Council to vote on it. In terms of the content, the draft is seriously out of balance and confuses right and wrong. In terms of the approach, the draft was introduced in haste and lacked the consensus it deserved. In terms of the effect, the draft does not reflect the world’s strongest calls for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting, and it does not help resolve the issue.”

Oct. 26: Special Envoy Zhai Jun visits Saudi Arabia

“The current situation between Palestine and Israel is severe. China is saddened by the large number of civilian casualties caused by the conflict and the deteriorating humanitarian situation. China believes that only an early ceasefire and end of hostilities as well as the de-escalation of the situation can create the necessary conditions for a political settlement. To restart talks for peace between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the two-state solution is the only realistic way out to break the vicious cycle of the Palestine-Israel conflict. China is ready to maintain communication and coordination with Saudi Arabia, pool efforts to promote peace, and work for a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.”

Oct. 26: Wang Yi meets with Secretary Blinken

“Wang Yi said, what is of utmost urgency right now is to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe on a larger scale, and the fundamental way out is to implement the two-state solution. Major countries should remain calm, be objective, and uphold justice, while the United Nations should play its due role. China is ready to work with all parties to activate a mechanism for promoting peace, build broader international consensus on the implementation of the two-state solution, and discuss the provision of more effective international guarantees. Antony Blinken said, maintaining durable peace and stability in the Middle East region is in the interests of all parties. The United States shares the view that there is a need to return to and implement the two-state solution.”

Oct. 27: Wang Yi meets with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

“The two sides had substantive and constructive strategic communication on China-U.S. relations, high-level exchanges between the two countries, the Palestine-Israel conflict, and other international and regional issues of mutual interest and concern. The two sides agreed to make joint efforts to clinch a meeting between the two heads of state in San Francisco.”

Oct. 30: Response to reports of anti-Semitism in Chinese social media

“The position of the Chinese government on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is very clear-cut. We call for ending the fighting as soon as possible, protecting civilians, establishing an independent state of Palestine, and realizing the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel based on the two-state solution. China’s laws unequivocally prohibit disseminating information on extremism, ethnic hatred, discrimination, and violence via the internet.”

Oct. 30: Special Envoy Zhai Jun visits Jordan

“China is deeply concerned about the current deteriorating situation in Gaza and the severe humanitarian crisis. The international community, the UN Security Council in particular, should take action and concrete measures to promote an early ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. At the same time, it is necessary to take a long-term view and create conditions for the resumption of the peace process in the Middle East on the basis of the two-state solution and ‘land for peace.’ The relevant draft resolution presented by Jordan on behalf of Arab countries at the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly was adopted with a high number of votes, reflecting the strong call from the international community, especially Arab and Islamic countries, for a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. As a co-sponsor of the draft resolution, China highly appreciates and supports Jordan’s important and unique role at this critical juncture.”

Nov. 1: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China is deeply shocked by the attacks on the refugee camps in Gaza and strongly condemns this. China calls for utmost calm and restraint from relevant parties, especially Israel, and urges them to implement the UN resolution adopted on October 27, stop fighting immediately, do everything possible to protect civilians, open up corridors for humanitarian assistance as soon as possible and avert an even worse humanitarian disaster. China will play a positive and constructive role at the UN Security Council to help end the fighting, ensure the safety of civilians and strive for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date.”

Nov. 1: Wang Yi speaks with Omani foreign minister

“Noting that the current situation in Gaza is deteriorating day by day, and the number of civilian casualties is rising, Wang Yi said, no responsible country with a conscience can allow such a tragedy to continue. A few days ago, an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, calling for an immediate humanitarian truce, reflecting the strong voice of the international community. China supports the convening of a more authoritative, broader and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible to push the Palestinian question back to the track of the two-state solution.”

Nov. 3: Wang Yi phone call with Saudi foreign minister

“As the rotating chair of the Security Council this month, China will continue to do its best to restore peace, urge the Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities, play its role, build consensus, and issue resolutions as soon as possible that will help alleviate the current crisis and safeguard the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people…Saudi Arabia is a regional power with important influence. China appreciates Saudi Arabia’s active promotion of the ‘two-state solution’ back then and looks forward to and believes that Saudi Arabia will continue to work with other Arab countries to make efforts to achieve regional peace. China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with Saudi Arabia and all parties, promote the convening of a more authoritative international peace conference as soon as possible, reach a new consensus and clarify specific steps for the implementation of the ‘two-state solution.’”

Nov. 6: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China’s position on the Palestinian question is consistent and clear. We support the establishment of an independent state of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital on the basis of relevant UN resolutions. China will work relentlessly with the international community to this end.”

Nov. 7: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“We extend our deep condolences over the loss of all civilian lives, including journalists and others, in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. China’s position on the conflict is consistent and clear. We stand on the side of peace, equity and justice. We call for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, protection of civilians, opening of humanitarian aid corridors, de-escalation, and an early return to the right track of the two-state solution…

“Let me say that as the rotating president of the Security Council, China will continue to work with relevant parties to galvanize responsible Security Council action and play an active and constructive role in ceasing the hostilities, easing the humanitarian situation, and ultimately realizing durable Palestinian-Israeli peace through the two-state solution.”

Nov. 9: Special Envoy Zhai Jun attends humanitarian conference for Gaza

“Zhai Jun highlighted the three pressing tasks. First, stop the fighting as soon as possible and prevent further deterioration of the situation; second, avoid a wider humanitarian disaster, make every effort to protect civilians, and open a humanitarian corridor; third, the international community should redouble diplomatic efforts to bring the crisis back to the track of political settlement. Zhai Jun pointed out that the lives of Palestinians and Israelis are equally important, and there should be no double standards. Since the outbreak of this round of conflict, China has conducted intensive communication with relevant parties, made every effort to cool down the situation, and provided cash assistance to the people of Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and the Palestinian National Authority, as well as food, medicine, and other emergent humanitarian aid supplies to the Gaza Strip. China will continue to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to quell the fighting in Gaza at an early date, ease the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and bring the Palestinian question back to the right track of the two-state solution.”

Nov. 13: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“The Saudi-African Summit and the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit sent a clear message of bringing about a ceasefire, protecting civilians, scaling up humanitarian assistance and implementing the two-state solution. This is welcomed by China. Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out, China has been in close communication with relevant parties to call for ceasefire and restoration of peace. On halting the current conflict, China’s position is very much similar to that of the vast Arab, Islamic and African developing countries. China will work with relevant parties to continue to work relentlessly to protect civilians, deescalate the situation, resume talks for peace and realize peace.”

Nov. 14: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“We are shocked by and strongly condemn the strike on the guesthouse for UN staff in southern Gaza. We mourn the UN staff members killed in this round of conflict. Violence does not bring true security. The use of force will not create lasting peace. The safety of UN staff members must be effectively protected. China calls on relevant parties to be cool-headed and exercise maximum self-restraint, comply with international law, earnestly implement the UNGA resolution adopted on October 27, immediately stop the fighting, and prevent a larger-scale humanitarian disaster.”

Nov. 17: Special Envoy Zhai Jun meets with Bahraini counterpart

“Recently, the UN Security Council adopted its first resolution since the outbreak of the new round of the Palestine-Israel conflict. As the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for this month, China voted in favor of the resolution. The international community should act swiftly to build consensus and push the Palestinian question back onto the right track of the two-state solution.”

Nov. 20: Wang Yi holds talks with delegation of Arab and Islamic foreign ministers

“The pressing task now is to fully implement relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly and achieve an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. A ceasefire should not be a diplomatic rhetoric. It is a matter of life and death for the people in Gaza. A ceasefire should be achieved as a top priority. This is the pressing need of the people in Gaza, the wish of the overwhelming majority of countries, and the unanimous voice of all peace-loving people around the world. Parties concerned should earnestly abide by international law, especially international humanitarian law. China opposes any forced displacement and relocation of Palestinian civilians. Israel should stop its collective punishment of the people in Gaza and open humanitarian corridors as soon as possible to prevent a wider humanitarian disaster.”

Nov. 21: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference with delegation of Arab foreign ministers

“The delegation made China its first stop for international mediation, which reflects their trust in China and the tradition of mutual understanding and support between the two sides.

“The Chinese side outlined our proposal on addressing the current crisis in Gaza and resolving the Palestinian question: The pressing task now is to fully implement relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly and reach an immediate ceasefire. It is critical to abide by the international law, especially international humanitarian law. China opposes any forced displacement and relocation of Palestinian civilians. Any arrangement concerning the future and destiny of Palestine must be based on the consent of the Palestinian people and accommodate the legitimate concerns of regional countries. Any potential way to address the current situation must not deviate from the two-state solution and should be conducive to regional peace and stability. The UN Security Council needs to heed the call of Arab and Islamic countries and take responsible actions to deescalate the situation. As this month’s rotating president of the Security Council, China will continue to strengthen coordination with Arab and Islamic countries to build consensus and galvanize more meaningful Security Council action on the situation in Gaza. The Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue. Without a just settlement of the Palestinian question, durable peace and stability will remain elusive for the Middle East.

“The foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries spoke highly of China’s long-standing just position on the Palestinian question and commended China’s work as the rotating Security Council president to make possible the first Security Council resolution since the current conflict broke out. They look forward to closer coordination with China to prevent the crisis from spreading and restart the peace talk process.”

Nov. 21: President Xi Jinping speech at BRICS special video summit on the Palestinian-Israeli issue

“Dear President Ramaphosa, dear colleagues: This summit is the first leaders’ meeting after the BRICS expansion. First of all, I would like to welcome the leaders of the new BRICS members and thank President Ramaphosa and the South African government for their efforts in this meeting. Under the current situation, it is very timely and necessary for the BRICS countries to make a voice of justice and peace on the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

“The conflict in Gaza has lasted for more than a month, causing a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and showing a trend of expanding spillover. China is deeply concerned. The top priority is that all parties to the conflict must immediately cease fire and fighting, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release detained civilians, and avoid more serious devastation. The second is to ensure the safe and smooth flow of humanitarian relief channels, provide more humanitarian assistance to the Gaza people, and stop forced relocation, water, electricity, and oil cuts, and other collective punishments against the Gaza people. Third, the international community must take practical measures to prevent the conflict from expanding and affecting the stability of the entire Middle East region. China supports the resolution passed on October 27 at the emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. As the rotating president of the United Nations Security Council, China presided over the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2712. All parties should implement the resolution’s requirements.

“The fundamental reason why the situation between Palestine and Israel has developed to this day is that the Palestinian people’s rights to statehood, survival, and return have been ignored for a long time. I have emphasized many times that the fundamental way to resolve the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts is to implement the ‘two-state solution,’ restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian state. Without a fair solution to the Palestinian issue, there will be no lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. China calls for a more authoritative international peace conference to be convened as soon as possible to build international consensus on promoting peace and to promote an early, comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.

“Since the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out, China has actively promoted peace talks and promoted a ceasefire and an end to the war. In order to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza, China has provided $2 million in emergency humanitarian assistance through the Palestinian National Authority and United Nations agencies, provided food, medicine, and other emergency humanitarian supplies worth 15 million yuan to the Gaza Strip through Egypt…Material assistance will continue to be provided based on the needs of the Gaza people. As the rotating president of the United Nations Security Council this month, China has pushed the Security Council to pass relevant resolutions, requiring the extension of the humanitarian moratorium and humanitarian corridors, the protection of civilians, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

“Dear colleagues! The BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to strengthen unity and cooperation and safeguard common interests. Today, we coordinated our positions and took actions on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, making a good start for the ‘Greater BRICS Cooperation’ after the expansion. China appreciates South Africa’s important contribution to promoting the development of BRICS as this year’s chairmanship. Russia will take over the presidency next year, and China is willing to work with other members to support Russia’s work and create a new era of BRICS cooperation. Thank you all!”

November 22: Ambassador Li Song speaks at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors meeting on Israeli nuclear issue

“The Middle East should not be subject to the threat of nuclear weapons. This is a common call from the countries of the region. The establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East is conducive to curbing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, preserving the authority and effectiveness of the international non-proliferation regime, reducing arms-race and conflict risks, and providing an important mechanism that will ensure lasting peace and security in the region.

“China always advocates for the strengthening of universality, authority, and effectiveness of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), supports the countries in the Middle East in promoting the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in accordance with the UNGA resolutions as well as relevant documents of the NPT Review Conference, and supports intensification of relevant international efforts through implementing the IAEA General Conference resolution ‘Application of Safeguards in the Middle East.’ On November 13, the fourth session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction was held in the UN Headquarters in New York. China attended the conference as an observer and made constructive contributions to the conference.

“China calls upon all countries in the Middle East to fulfill NPT obligations in good faith [and] sign and approve the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol as soon as possible. Israel should join the NPT as a non-Nuclear-Weapon State at [the] earliest possible date and place all its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards of IAEA. Countries in the region and the Nuclear-Weapons States should take up their due responsibilities and join the process of establishing a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction within the framework of the UN.”

November 22: Ambassador Li Song speaks at IAEA Board of Governors meeting on Palestinian-Israeli issue

“The conflict in Gaza is raging on into its second month. China is gravely concerned that the conflict is causing enormous civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster, and tends to expand and spill over. China has been working actively to promote peace, provide humanitarian assistance and facilitate a ceasefire. Last week, under China’s presidency, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2712, which calls for extended humanitarian pauses and corridors, the protection of civilians, and the provision of humanitarian assistance. This week, the delegation of Arab-Islamic foreign ministers visited China. Yesterday, President Xi Jinping attended the extraordinary joint meeting of BRICS leaders and leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza.”

November 22: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“Since this round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out, China has been calling for a ceasefire and working to deescalate the situation, protect civilians, and provide humanitarian assistance. We welcome the agreement and hope this will help ease the humanitarian crisis, deescalate the conflict, and cool down the tensions.”

November 27: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“Since Israel and Hamas reached the ceasefire agreement, both sides have released three groups of detainees. Steps towards peace, however small, should be encouraged. Difficulties in protecting civilians, however daunting, must be overcome with every possible effort. This round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued for more than 50 days, causing great casualties and serious humanitarian disasters. As we have repeatedly stressed, violence does not bring true security and the use of force will not create lasting peace. China welcomes all efforts that are conducive to bringing about ceasefire and deescalating the situation. We urge parties to the conflict to earnestly implement UN Security Council Resolution 2712 and the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly at its emergency special session, jointly and effectively implement the temporary ceasefire agreement and enable it to be extended, and realize a true and lasting ceasefire.”

Nov. 30: President Xi sends congratulatory message to UN special commemorative meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

“Xi Jinping pointed out that the…root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the fact that the realization of the legitimate national right of Palestinians to establish an independent State of Palestine is long overdue. There can be no sustainable security without security for all: this is a hard lesson learned from the cycle of repeated Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. The international community must act now and urgently. The United Nations Security Council must take on its responsibility and do all it can to push for ceasefire, protect civilians, and end the humanitarian disaster. Palestinian-Israeli peace talks should be resumed on that basis as soon as possible. The Palestinians’ right to statehood, right to existence, and right of return must be realized at the earliest date.

“Xi Jinping emphasized that China has all along firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate national rights. The fundamental solution to the question of Palestine lies in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital. The economic needs of Palestine and its people’s living necessities must be guaranteed. The international community should provide more development assistance and humanitarian support for Palestine. It is important to keep to the right direction of peace talks. A more authoritative international conference for peace should be convened as soon as possible. China has put forward the Global Security Initiative, and is of the view that disagreements and disputes between nations should be resolved through dialogue and consultation. China supports all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of crises. On the question of Palestine, China will continue to speak up for fairness and justice, promote talks for peace, and provide humanitarian and development assistance to Palestine. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to work with the rest of the international community to build consensus for peace, get the question of Palestine back on the right track of the two-state solution, and seek an early resolution that is comprehensive, just, and durable.”

Dec. 6: Wang Yi phone call with Secretary of State Antony Blinken

“Wang Yi said that the top priority is to cease fire and end the war as soon as possible. At the crossroads of war and peace, major countries must adhere to fairness and justice, uphold objectivity and impartiality, demonstrate calmness and rationality, and make every effort to cool down the situation and prevent larger-scale humanitarian disasters. Any solution to the current crisis in Gaza cannot deviate from the ‘two-state solution,’ and any arrangement involving the future of Palestine must reflect the will of the Palestinian people. China believes that the core of the solution is to respect Palestine’s right to statehood and self-determination, embodying ‘Palestinian ownership, Palestinian leadership, and Palestinian rule.’ China is willing to work with all parties to make efforts to this end.”

Dec. 11: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“Over the past two months since the outbreak of this round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Gaza has seen close to 20,000 civilians die from the fights and over one million people displaced. Ceasefire and end of hostilities is currently the top priority and reflects extensive international aspiration. Close to 100 countries, including China, co-sponsored the draft resolution tabled by the UAE representing Arab countries. We regret and are disappointed at the US veto—the only veto on the Security Council draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. [Allowing the conflict to continue] means heavier civilian casualties and worse humanitarian catastrophe, and will sow more seeds of hatred. On issues of war and peace, life and death, major countries with influence need to play a constructive role in helping end the fight, make utmost efforts to avoid civilian casualties, and stand on the side of peace and the side of life.”

Jan. 8: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“During the past three months, the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict has taken nearly 23,000 lives in Gaza, including over 100 media workers. According to [the] relevant UN agency, nearly 90 percent of people in Gaza have been displaced. Despite the repeated international call for ceasefire, the fighting is still raging and killing innocent civilians every day. China strongly calls on relevant parties to the conflict, especially Israel, to exercise restraint, faithfully implement relevant UN resolutions, start an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, and prevent such tragedies from reoccurring.”

Jan. 29: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China noted the provisional measures issued by the [International Court of Justice]. The order, supported by the majority of judges of the court, responds to the international community’s concern [about] protecting civilians, deescalating the situation, and easing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We hope that the ICJ’s provisional measures can be effectively implemented. China’s position on the Palestinian question is consistent and clear. We condemn all acts against civilians and oppose all moves that violate international law. China urges parties to the conflict to realize a comprehensive ceasefire at once, abide by international humanitarian law, and prevent an even worse humanitarian disaster from happening. The fundamental way out of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is to implement the two-state solution and promote the comprehensive, just, and lasting settlement of the Palestinian question at an early date.”

Feb. 13: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China is closely watching the developments in Rafah. We oppose and condemn acts against civilians and international law. We call on Israel to stop military operations as soon as possible, do everything possible to avoid casualties among innocent civilians, and prevent a more devastating humanitarian disaster in Rafah.”

Feb. 22: Remarks before the ICJ by Ma Xinmin, director-general of the Foreign Ministry’s Department of Treaty and Law, relating to the request for an advisory opinion on the issue of occupied Palestinian territory

“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict stems from Israel’s prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory and Israel’s long-standing oppression of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people fight against Israeli oppression, and their [struggles to complete] the establishment of an independent state on the occupied territories are, essentially, just actions for restoring their legitimate rights. The right to self-determination serves as the precise legal foundation for their struggle.

“Let me clarify that self-determination only applies to two scenarios, namely peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation. Under no circumstances does the right to self-determination afford any basis for any part or group within a sovereign state to claim a so-called ‘right to secession.’ International law does not recognize the existence of a right to so-called ‘remedial secession’ or ‘remedial self-determination.’ The Palestinian people, being a group residing in territory under foreign domination, is a sui generis international legal person as a whole. The right to self-determination of the Palestinian people has been consistently reaffirmed in multiple United Nations resolutions and the Wall Advisory Opinion. This is also widely recognized by most states and international organizations.

“In pursuit of the right to self-determination, the Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and to complete the establishment of an independent state is an inalienable right well founded in international law. Various peoples freed themselves from colonial rule and foreign oppression to realize independent statehood after World War II. Their practices serve as convincing evidence for this right. Numerous UNGA resolutions recognize the legitimacy of struggling by all available means, including armed struggle, by peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation to realize the right to self-determination. For instance, the UNGA resolution 3070 of 1973 ‘reaffirms the legitimacy of the people’s struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle.’ This recognition is also reflected in international conventions. For example, the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism of 1998 affirms ‘the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle, in order to liberate their territories and secure their right to self-determination, and independence.’

“Armed struggle in this context is distinguished from acts of terrorism. It is grounded in international law. This distinction is acknowledged by several international conventions. For example, Article 3 of the Organization of African Unity Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism of 1999 provides that ‘the struggle waged by peoples in accordance with the principles of international law for their liberation or self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, and domination by foreign forces, shall not be considered as terrorist acts.’ It should be emphasized that the use of force by any entity or individual in the name of exercising the right to self-determination outside the context of colonial domination or foreign occupation is not legitimate. Meanwhile, during legitimate armed struggle by peoples, all parties are obliged to comply with international humanitarian law and, in particular, to refrain from committing acts of terrorism in violation of international humanitarian law.”

Feb. 23: Foreign Ministry readout of Ma Xinmin’s remarks before the ICJ

“Based on China’s policy position on the Palestinian question, [Ma Xinmin] elaborated on China’s views and propositions on legal issues such as the Court’s advisory jurisdiction, the right of nations to self-determination, the law on the use of force, and international humanitarian law. This marked the second time that China participated in an oral proceeding before the ICJ relating to the request for an advisory opinion, following its participation in the oral proceeding before the ICJ relating to the request for an advisory opinion on the issue of the independence of Kosovo in 2009.”

Feb. 26: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“The escalation of the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resulted in the devastating humanitarian situation in Gaza. Nearly 30,000 civilians were killed and about 1.9 million people were displaced. An immediate ceasefire is the prevailing call and overwhelming consensus of the international community. The US should lend an ear and take concrete actions to play a constructive role for the ceasefire and de-escalation of the humanitarian crisis.”

Feb. 26: Wang Yi remarks at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council

“Wang Yi said protecting and promoting human rights is a common cause for all humanity. At the moment, the world is becoming more turbulent, crises and conflicts keep flaring up, and [the] deficit in global human rights governance is widening. The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict has cost the lives of nearly 30,000 civilians and left close to two million people displaced. The situation is indeed saddening. It falls upon the entire international community to protect the human rights of all ethnic groups and all people in a fair, equal, and effective way.”

Mar. 1: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference, in answer to a question about Palestinian casualties at a food distribution site in Gaza City

“China is shocked by and strongly condemns the incident. We mourn for the victims and extend sympathies to the injured. China urges parties concerned, especially Israel, to stop fighting at once, earnestly protect civilians and ensure access for humanitarian assistance to prevent an even worse humanitarian disaster from happening.”

Mar. 12: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“The latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted for over five months, which has outlasted previous Middle East wars except the first Middle East war and has killed more people, especially civilians, than previous Middle East wars. As a Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed, this is a tragedy for humanity and a disgrace for civilization. The killing of civilians in Gaza must be stopped. Injustice done to the Palestinian people must be corrected. The double standards against human rights and international humanitarian law must be abandoned. The longer the flames in Gaza flare up, the more the humanity is scourged by conscience, the more the cornerstone of justice is eroded. The international community must act urgently to set the immediate ceasefire as an overwhelming priority and the humanitarian aid in Gaza as a pressing moral responsibility.”

Mar. 20: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“Since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has striven for a ceasefire, effective protection of civilians and deescalation of the humanitarian crisis. Recently, Ambassador Wang Kejian visited Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Qatar in the Middle East for the early deescalation of the situation in Gaza. Relevant parties widely appreciated China’s just position and active efforts to achieve a ceasefire, ease the humanitarian situation, and avoid the further spillover of the conflict. They look to China playing a greater role in deescalating the conflict and cooling down the situation. Since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza, we have maintained close communication and coordination with the Arab countries, built broad-based consensus with relevant parties in the international community, and promoted the comprehensive ceasefire with the greatest sense of urgency. We have closely followed the humanitarian situation in Gaza and have already provided multiple batches of emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza through bilateral and multilateral channels. China has actively encouraged all factions in Palestine to achieve internal reconciliation through dialogue and firmly supported ‘the Palestinians governing Palestine.’ We have contributed to the UN Security Council’s adoption of the first resolution in this regard since the outbreak of the conflict, released the Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China on Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, and fully promoted more responsible and meaningful actions by the UNSC. We call for Palestine’s full membership in the UN and a more broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution. China will continue to work with the international community to restore peace, save lives, and uphold justice.”

Apr. 2: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference, in answer to a question about Israel’s Apr. 1 attack on Iranian military officials in Damascus

“China condemns the attack on the Iranian Embassy in Syria. The security of diplomatic institutions should not be violated and Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity must be respected. Amid the ongoing turbulence in the Middle East, we oppose any act that would escalate the tensions.”

Apr. 14: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference, in answer to a question about Iran’s Apr. 13 missile and drone attack on Israel

“China expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint to prevent further escalations. The ongoing situation is the latest spillover of the Gaza conflict. There should be no more delays in implementing UN Security Council Resolution 2728, and the conflict must end now. China calls on the international community, especially countries with influence, to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region.”

Apr. 16: President Xi meets with German chancellor

“President Xi Jinping met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Beijing this morning. The two leaders exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest. The two sides agreed to send the following joint messages…On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China and Germany are concerned about the grave humanitarian situation facing people in Gaza and the risk of further escalation of [the] regional situation. China and Germany jointly call for: ensuring unimpeded and sustainable humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip and supporting the coordinating role of the UN and UNRWA in humanitarian aid; implementing UN Security Council Resolution 2728; implementing the two-state solution as the only way to achieve lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians; jointly maintaining the safety of commercial shipping in line with international law, particularly in the Red Sea.”

Apr. 19: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still persisting. A severe humanitarian crisis continues to unfold in Gaza. The US denied Palestine’s full UN membership, but it can’t deny the region’s call for immediate ceasefire, the Gazans’ need for humanitarian aid, and the global desire for a just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine. The international community needs to fully implement relevant UNSC and UNGA resolutions, fully respect the will of the Palestinian people, return to the two-state solution and establish an independent State of Palestine at an early date. Only by doing so can there be peace between Palestine and Israel, harmony between Arab and Jewish peoples, and lasting peace in the Middle East. On the question of Palestine, China always stands on the side of peace, justice and human conscience. China firmly supports full UN membership for Palestine, and will continue to work relentlessly and constructively with relevant parties to bring an early end to the fighting in Gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, and implement the two-state solution.”

Apr. 25: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict drags on, the severe humanitarian disaster continues. Humanitarian aid is the lifeline for people in Gaza, and UNRWA is an indispensable pillar of this lifeline. The UN report vindicated UNRWA’s reputation on neutrality and presented recommendations on improving its work. We support the UN in improving UNRWA’s work, oppose the unjustified attacks on UNRWA, and call for quickly restoring funding to UNRWA by those who have yet to do so. China will step up support to UNRWA and contribute to the alleviation of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

May 7: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China is gravely concerned over Israel’s plan to carry out [a] ground military operation in Rafah. We strongly call on Israel to listen to the overwhelming appeal of the international community, stop attacking Rafah, and do everything possible to avoid an even worse humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.”

May 10: Remarks at Foreign Ministry press conference

“China strongly condemns the attacks on the Jordanian humanitarian aid convoys. The actions violate the international law and international humanitarian law. The protracted conflict has made the humanitarian situation extremely dire in Gaza. We urge Israel to earnestly fulfill its obligations under…international humanitarian law, and cooperate with and provide security safeguard for humanitarian agencies’ aid effort.”