Tal Afar: Between America and Daesh

Tal Afar: Between America and Daesh

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The organization ISIS and its leaders have began using Alheilodot aircraft, and military logistics and field preparations of all parties that will participate in the operation of the district of Tal Afar’s Nineveh province started to liberate it from the clutches of Daesh fighters, and the Iraqi security and military forces initiated its preparations to besiege all outskirts of the district of Tal Afar and directing painful blows to the headquarters of the organization and its leaders using heavy artillery and helicopters, and the fighters of the popular crowd tightened their siege around the areas (Ayadiya and Mahalabiya), located on the outskirts of Tal Afar.

But a striking and worthy of field reading is the US military presence, which has taken a definite form different from the aspects of participation shown by US forces through the international coalition which is to begin the establishment and rehabilitation of the US base in Kahrez village of the area of Zumar and near the district of Tal Afar, where it was appeared the features of the arrival of the first batch of officers , advisers and soldiers belonging to the US Army in the village Kahrez where they reached to 45 US military personnel with their equipment, armament and scientific intelligence potential , along with Chinook planes that have the ability to carry many of vehicles, cars and military equipment of Hummer , armored vehicles and heavy artillery and weapons, munitions and sophisticated devices, in the vigorous pursuit of US military to prepare and supervise the next battle of Tal Afar.

On the other hand, the elements Daesh and its leaders follow up and monitor closely these intensive preparations by US and Iraqi military forces and elements of the popular crowd who began to encircle the district of Tal Afar so Daesh put all its potentials on alert to strengthen the defensive side of the district to dig trenches and put up barricades and prepare Alangmasien and their vehicles and the preparation of snipers and their distribution on the roofs of high-rise buildings within the center of the district of Tal Afar and its surroundings to face the advance of attacking forces.

In order to shed light effectively on all these measures and strategic objectives of the establishment of the US base we could read it with the following:

1. The US military issued a statement explaining that a number of its soldiers were targeted in northern Iraq in combat operations led to the killing of two soldiers and wounding five others, showing that the incident occurred as a result of Daesh fighters ‘s targeting of the US presence near the district of Tal Afar where they were monitoring the move and targeting of American force by missiles of Grad and they managed to hit them .

2. US military leaders seek in its presence in the outskirts of Tal Afar to find an important foothold to help it to implement its strategic objectives to control the Iraqi -Syrian border where this military base is no more than 65 km from the military border area as US military leaders are seeking to keep control on the movement and the effectiveness of the elements of the popular crowd and do not to allow them to move and implement their military field activities.

3.Prevent and follow-up to the movement of the Iranian officers and advisers who accompany some formations of the popular crowd in the western axis of the province of Nineveh, and do not allow armed militias fighting inside Syrian territory to come closer to the common border between Iraq and Syria, making contact where it seeks to it with the elements of the popular crowd inside Iraqi territory, a clear messages and directions most recently was the American artillery bombardment carried out by US artillery on militias of Kataib of Hamza, Sayyid al-Shuhada (martyrs) that led to the killing of 69 fighters and wounded 87 when they attempted to come closer to the common border area.

4. Put military plans and field supervision on the conduct of the battle of Tal Afar and provide logistical support to the Iraqi troops in the course of progress and storming the district of Tal Afar and support the movement and enhance it in the face of the elements of ISIS and directing many air strikes by coalition aircraft to achieve the success of the process of military progress and minimize losses in the attacking forces.

5. Enhance the intelligence side of the movement of military units and providing them with security information about the presence of elements Daesh and their headquarters inside the district of Tall Afar and stores of its weapons and equipment and identify Alangmasien fighters and their vehicles in order to target them and reduce their danger and the possibility of their confront to the military progress.

6. To curtail the fighters and leaders of popular crowd in their quest to take part in entering to the district of Tal Afar and identify these tasks in coordination with military leaders in Baghdad, and the sufficiency only with the presence of the popular crowd at outskirts of the district and to address military targets in the areas of (Ayadiya and al-Mahalabiya).

The Iraqi Studies Unit
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic studies