

Shatha Khalil * The growing dispute between Turkey and the United States, raising the import duties of aluminum from Turkey to 20 ...
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Introduction: Food security in Iraq is threatened by the control of the countries of Turkey and Iran on the sources of its rivers, ...
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Muammar Faisal Khouli * It did not come to the minds of Iran's policymakers that they would leave a Gregorian year and receive ano ...
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Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has scored many achievements since he assumed the premiership. The most important of which is ...
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Only one month separated the offer of the Iraqi Kurdistan government to Baghdad to freeze the results of the referendum of the las ...
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  The Kurdistan referendum on self-determination of the Iraqi Kurdish people in the three provinces of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah an ...
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Iraq's Kurdistan: it is a region of northern Iraq with autonomy, bordered by Iran from the east and Turkey to the north, and Syria ...
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Shatha Khalil * Turks have never forgotten the Treaty of Lausanne 11, which caused the reduction of the geography of the modern Tu ...
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