Abadi responds to the US Times that Iraq remains united

Abadi responds to the US Times that Iraq remains united

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Iraq has historically been subjected to many ambitions and conquests because of its great wealth. It is an agricultural country. It has the largest source of energy, and it is floating on a lake of oil. This has led to the greedy in its wealth to attempt to spread strife, divide and play on sectarian strife, but every time the country emerges stronger than it used to be. It remains dear and honored with its people, a beacon of light and spread hope throughout the world. Throughout history, the Mesopotamians have been fighting and defending on behalf of the world the forces of evil, oppression and aggression.
Therefore, Iraq has not been in safe, through its history, from the hatred of the oppressors, trying to obliterate the history of its civilizations and achievements, by saying and acting, and spreading the divisions among its sons; so that they can pass their colonial plans. We have the best example of the Mongols and the Crusaders.

In mid-2014, the US Time magazine published an article entitled “End of Iraq”, which included ideas, talk and analysis about Iraq’s division and its end, showing a burned map of Iraq. Time is the most famous magazine in America, and what it publishes reflects in one way or another the latest approach of the American decision- makers.
The response of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi to the article came three years after it was published, to prove the mistake of the US predictions contained therein and expected to fragmentation of Iraq and the division of land and people.
Abadi thanked the Iraqi armed forces and the Iraqi people for their cohesion, stressing that Iraq will remain united.
Abadi called on the army and the armed security forces to control the disputed areas and preserve the unity of Iraq considering Kurdistan as an integral part of Iraq and do not to allow to cut off any part of this great country , indicating that the referendum on the secession of Kurdistan from the unified Iraqi state came to encourage the remnants of the terrorist ISIS to continue its aggression and crimes ,and this is what we have seen from the serious reflections and repercussions on the country especially the Iraqi army is leading a war of liberation against the terrorist organization in the largest provinces of Iraq. Abadi pointed out “No effort for autonomy or self-rule can succeed if it is approached illegally,” unilateral acts that violate the law threaten the stability of our entire country and thus threaten its neighbors. ”
Abadi added ” despite that the country is going through difficult circumstances since he took power in 2014, as one-third of the country was swept by terrorists, the economy is struggling, sectarianism is pervasive in society, and relations with the rest of the world are tense, the country has achieved economic reform and development on the one hand, and the fight against terrorism and clearing the land on the other hand that on the economic side it is expected to achieve real GDP growth of 2.9% in 2018.

Abadi pointed out that his government has been able to issue two international finance bonds during the current year. He pointed out that the country faces great challenges in restoring services to cities and building societies, which requires additional effort and international funding to ensure investment and development and reach a stage of recovery and prosperity.
Abadi said that since the middle of 2014, Iraq is fighting terrorism to cleanse its land of a fierce enemy who has worked to destroy the infrastructure in the provinces controlled by it ( Anbar, Salah al-Din and Mosul) , as the percentage of destruction has reached about 80%, which led to the displacement and immigration and social, psychological and economic destruction. .

He added that the Iraqi army led by him was able to the liberation of most of the cities including Mosul, Tal Afar and Hawija, pointing out that Iraq is preparing for reconstruction and construction, and here all efforts must be combined to return the displaced to their homes, and return to normal life gradually, open schools, health clinics and return doctors and nurses to their work, we have begun the enormous task of rebuilding our nation.

Our people have made great sacrifices to liberate their land, and we must unite for recovery and reconstruction, such as our union to defeat terrorism, the enemy of all.
Abadi said: “Many Iraqis were shocked by the unilateral action of some elements of the Kurdish leadership, the main architects of the Constitution of Iraq in 2005, which devotes and protects Iraqi federalism, by holding an illegal referendum last month,” stressing that: “This step, which contradicts directly with the Constitution, is a deliberate act of division. ”
Abadi stressed that “the seeds of discord will not be allowed to be sown again, and urged the leadership in Iraqi Kurdistan not to act unilaterally or unconstitutionally based on the actions of a few leaders who stand against the will of the nation.” “He calls on the authority of the Kurdistan to acknowledge the authority of Constitution and enter in dialogue on this basis.”
“As prime minister, I have to act in accordance with the constitution to protect all the Iraqi people and keep our country united,” Abadi said. “To achieve this, the government has strengthened and recovered what is stipulated in its federal mandate, the federal authority on national borders, oil exports and customs revenues.”

Abadi pointed out “The deployment of Iraqi forces in parts of Kirkuk and other areas in northern Iraq is consistent with this approach, and the federal forces and the army, counter terrorism, police and rapid deployment units are all components of the Iraqi fabric in all their ethnic and religious communities, including Kurds, indicating that the deployment of Iraqi forces is not an attack on Kurdish citizens or the city of Kirkuk, but is a federal Iraqi process aims at restoring federal authority to the areas that have been under the government control until 2014.

Abadi instructed these forces not to provoke skirmishes, conflicts and clashes with the Kurds, and the need to protect citizens, calling on elements of the Iraqi forces to defend themselves if they are exposed to the fire.
Abai added “Our orders to the armed forces are clear to secure federal facilities in Kirkuk and other northern areas, to assist in the safe return of displaced persons, to maintain vigilance against terrorist attacks, to ensure that all public services are functioning normally and to improve the provision of services as much as possible,” stressing that to preserve security means securing economic stability, especially after years of unconstitutional oil sales and bring revenues to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), which is on the verge of bankruptcy, due to the corruption of a limited number of Kurdish officials and their families.
Abadi stressed the determination of his government to address corruption and unfair distribution of Iraq’s national resources, and protect the Iraqi people from north to south, calling on the leaders of the Kurdistan region to the dialogue table, to avoid the crisis which it is indispensable.
Abadi stressed not to provoke any conflicts or disputes that would stir up strife, and that the forces entering Kirkuk should protect the security of citizens.
Abadi appreciated the unity of Iraqis for the Liberation of the Land from terrorism for the last three years and reconstruction and building a democratic country in which every citizen has full access to state protection.
Abadi said that Iraq is working to consolidate democracy, so that the state is able to protect all citizens to ensure their rights and the reconstruction of the country.
He called on the international community to support Iraq and the non-interference of regional powers in the internal affairs of Iraq, stressing that “Iraq is able to run its own affairs in a democratic manner, and that in the medium term, Iraq needs to support the economy.”

These successes achieved by Abadi in Iraq are a decisive and crucial response to Time magazine and all those who support it and want to disturb the relations between the people of Iraq, or dream of dividing Iraq and eliminating its unity, and undermine the creative experience in maintaining the cohesion between the people and the link to the land.

Economic Studies Unit
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies