Al-Luaibi: Iraq ranks among gas exporting countries

Al-Luaibi: Iraq ranks among gas exporting countries

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Iraq’s oil minister, Jabbar al-Luaibi, said on February 2, 1988 that the country’s production of LPG was 6,000 and 125 tons per day.
In a telegram sent by al-Allaibi to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who thanks to his good guidance and wise leadership and follow-up to implement the current and future development plans, the development of the oil industry in Iraq created qualitative changes in the production of energy.
The Ministry of Oil has achieved success and leadership in all its activities, and has recorded significant development in most areas of its work.

Al-Luaibi is dedicated to his work and one of  the most efficient oil ministers in the world and successful in managing OPEC policy and the way Iraq dealt with , and he manages oil ministry wisely with scientific studied approach covered by the national spirit and keen on the wealth of the country .
Al-Luaibi stressed the keenness of the workers in the oil sector, and their dedication to accomplish their work professionally and professionally, which contributed to achieving a significant increase in production and a significant surge in achieving the rates of production of liquid gas, and by more than 40% during the planned period of one year.
In the context of plans previously announced by the ministry, Iraq’s production of natural gas will double to three times which will reach 1700 million cubic feet per day this year, with the implementation of projects to reduce the burning of gas.
Al-Allaibi said that these achievements are not confined to the economic side, but also put Iraq for the first time in the ranks of gas exporting countries.
Al-Aluaibi stressed at the annual Energy Conference in the Middle East and North Africa , organized by the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London for a period from 29-30 of the last January that Iraq is working to attract international investments to develop its oil and gas industry, and is working to highlight the role of Iraq in the stability of global markets and the optimal investment of oil and gas wealth, which contributes to support the development and the national economy.
Al-Luaibi reviewed in the conference plans of the Ministry of Oil to promote the oil industry and future plans, explaining the most important and most prominent projects to develop the oil and gas industry, infrastructure and investment opportunities for international companies.
In the same context, Iraq is working to open up and cooperate with neighboring countries and friendly countries and expand the horizons of cooperation and in order to serve the common interests.
And on the successes achieved by the Ministry of Oil, at the internal level, the ministry said that it worked on the comprehensive rehabilitation of the unit of production Salah Eddin / 2 in the refinery of Baiji, Salah ad Din province, with a capacity of 70 thousand barrels per day.
The North Refinery Company indicated that it is working continuously with the Ministry’s companies to expedite the rehabilitation and operation of the important production unit before the end of the current year to cover a large part of the local need for oil derivatives and to meet the needs of the power plants.
The ministry has set a time limit of 6-9 months to complete the rehabilitation of this unit.
Al-Allaibi called on the oil companies in the north, center and south to unite their efforts to achieve the ministry’s goal of re-operating the refinery and directing to use all mechanisms, equipment, devices, tanks and pipelines for the oil companies to support and enhance the rehabilitation and operation process of Baiji refinery in Salahaddin province adding that the ministry has set the necessary plans to qualify and operate the production unit Saladin / 1 and with a capacity 70 thousand barrels per day after the necessary funds are allocated for that.
Al-Allaibi added that the ministry announced many oil projects in the sectors of extraction and liquidation, gas investment and extension of pipelines, and called on international companies, including the British to participate in oil investments in Iraq.
He stressed that the ministry is working to provide the ideal environment to attract international investments in the oil and energy sector.
In his meeting with the minister of State for Middle East Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the British ministry of International Development, Alistair Burt, he pointed out that Iraq is working on the ideal cooperation with the international companies operating in the oil sector in order to promote this industry and the optimal investment of this national wealth and the possibility of benefiting from conversion of gas that burns to useful energy and to increase infrastructure development projects of the country and achieve achievements in the implementation of projects and increase oil and gas production, despite economic and security challenges.
Burt stressed the keenness of his country and British companies to enhance the prospects for cooperation and expand the participation of British companies in the oil and energy sector of Iraq.

Shatha Khalil *
Economic unity
Rawabet Center for Research and Strategic Studies