Human Rights in the Western concept

Human Rights in the Western concept

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The attitude of Western silence of the scene of the killing of the Palestinian citizen – for example not exclusive – Abdel Fattah al-Sharif last Thursday in the Palestinian city of khalil by the Israeli occupation army, in contrast, the Western condemnation of the terrorist bombings that hit Paris last November and Brussels this month, brings us back to   the double standards applied by Western countries in the field of human rights protection. This silence on the killing of the Palestinian citizen comes in its natural framework ! For those states that as long as human rights concepts employed selectively to serve its higher interests. One of these concepts is the right of  “international and  humanitarian intervention” and the right of “self-determination” that it  is  indifferent to the fate of peoples, and in this context, a killing that comes, to show the  manipulation practiced by the major powers in the field of human rights concepts.

Political transformations are not limited in the post-Cold War witnessed by the international community on the disintegration of the Soviet Union ,and the collapse of the  of socialist system in Eastern Europe, but also pulled on the concepts of public international law as employed politically to serve the interests of the system of capitalist countries, particularly the United States , which sees the end of the cold war as a victory to it.

Among these terms, the term of  human rights, where the system was able to employ  it  on two levels of recovery .  the first is  to work on the recovery of the principle of international humanitarian intervention to the contemporary international politics, and that principle is aimed at reducing the human rights violations that the citizens of the state who are  exposed to it  . But what is observed on this principle through  the practical experience is  the selective way  in its application by the superpower (the United States) and major powers that  the strategic considerations  were dominated  on the account of ethical practices in international humanitarian intervention.  The applications were used  under the  pretext of protecting the Kurds from the abuses of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s regime in the post-Cold War, and the  intervention in Somalia under the pretext of the collapse of State for Humanitarian and famine, and intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to stop the abuses that they  were exposed by the Serbian state. All of these interventions were  done  to strategic considerations,  and  in the case of Iraq ,   the British, US and French intervention  has detracted from    its sovereignty and was the cause to contain and weaken  it  and   to be ended to  the occupation of it in April 9  2003, while the US intervention in Somalia was a political motive to emphasize the US monopoly in the capabilities of the global system in post-cold war, and  the economic motive was to transfer of huge amounts of “Almaz – dimond” of Somalia, and the   strategic  motive was to tighten its control over the entrances to the Red Sea, and after completing  its  failed  humanitarian functions , the USA was   withdrawn from Somalia, to deepen the process of  its  ongoing collapse   to the present day .

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention in Kosovo came  to fold  the last page – according to their point of view-  of  the pages of the Cold War to get rid of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic  who has a tendency of hard ethnic nationality , and to  stop the migration of Kosovars who were crowded on the edge of Europe. If Western countries were already involved  in a lot of human rights, why it did not intervene in a lot of civil wars that have occurred in various regions of the world after the end of the Cold War ? Why, for example, did not intervene to stop the humanitarian massacres of the Rwandan people in 1994,in which  the lives of more than half a million people were occurred,  Why they were kept silent as  the same silence of  graves, that it sees this  bloody scene?

The superpower and major powers involved in the protection of human rights ! they  do not apply its standards to the allied nations and trading partners such as China, for example, while imposed on vulnerable countries such as Nigeria because of human  rights violations a series of economic and diplomatic sanctions and lasted six years from 1993 to 1999, while the countries opposed to its  policies, such as Iraq that it  imposed  on it a standard post of modernism in the field of protection of human rights! It is an international humanitarian intervention, which lasted from 1991 to 2003.
After the occupation of Iraq , the  intellectual and research institutions began  to  adopt  a new concept of a “transitional justice” as a developed formula for humanitarian intervention and new style for domination in  the name of human rights . The West , which creates political pluralism and economic progress  and military and technological development, will not fail to reshape the legal terms that serve their interests, especially if the environment was found that encourages it  to do so.

As for the second term, it is the right of self-determination. And the literature of human rights classified  it as   the collective human rights , and it  has been defined by the jurisprudence   of international law, and  professors of international relations as a “right” of every people to choose the form of government and its political system in complete freedom and without any external interference, and to benefit from its natural resources and enjoy the  spiritual and physical heritage without being restricted and as they want.

The principle of the right to self-determination has remained until the end of World War II  as apolitical principle with the literary value . But it soon became after the establishment of the United Nations in the year 1945, a legal principle of just rise to the ranks of the legal rules that may not be violated. Perhaps  the proof of that is  the keenness of the authors of the Charter of the United Nations in referring to  it in the first article – the second paragraph by saying, “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights of peoples and that have their own self-determination, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen public peace. ”

And due to  the importance of this right , the General Assembly of the United Nations has issued several resolutions to confirm it, including Resolution 1514 issued on 14.12.1960, which was entitled “Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples,” which explicitly provided in the second paragraph of the preamble to the resolution that “for all peoples the right to self-determination, but  under this  right – to determine freely their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and political growth ” and resolution No. 2625, issued on .24.10.1970, and in addition to the first article of  the first paragraph in each of the two international eras for  civil and political rights and on economic, social and cultural rights of 1966, have confirmed the content of the preceding paragraph.

Some of  the scholars of international law conclude from those advertisements  that the right of self-determination is the  collective rights of human being , only directed to  the state of people under occupation or colonial domination for the independence of peoples, and therefore may not be allowed  to be protested     by a particular group living within countries and so as not to be in front of this group a state of   demands  on their rights in an orderly and  intended  way but only to work  to ensure  these rights  within the  entrance of human rights no more , and in  a national perspective in the first place. So these scholars deny the legitimacy of any right of self-determination authorizing or encouraging any action on any action which would dismember or impair totally or partially the territorial integrity and political unity of independent sovereign states.

In the post-Cold War , the right to self-determination moved from  its framework of  Independence to its breakaway , noting that the Western countries  had   worked on the politicization it by internationalization of the domestic issues within a single country and promote national and religious movements to demand secession from the state, under the pretext of human rights violations and  in this context that the  Western countries forced Indonesia to hold a referendum in 1999, that  determines the fate of East Timor, and the United nations organized and sent troops towards East Timor to ensure the right of the Timorese to secede from Indonesia and protect them from militias which are supporting the minority  that support the   unity with it, and actually the East Timor was separated from  Indonesia , as Western countries encouraged southern Sudan  to be separated from  the mother country.

The wonder here, and before the murder scene, almost daily in Palestine since its occupation and to this day: Why    the case of the occupied Palestinian people do not receive  ,  which is the oldest legal, political and humanitarian issue in the United Nations history,    the right to self-determination,  that the occupation is seeking to confiscate the land, identity and rights? What are the self-conditions that become available for  other people and  are not  available for the Palestinian people  ?, and here it must be said, and reminders   ,to make a mistake  who thinks that the elimination of state regulation in Iraq and the Levant “Daash” means completely to  eradicate terrorism in the Middle East environment, in order to get rid of it   once  and for all  requires a re-consideration of the concept of human rights through a just solution to the Palestinian issue. Because this  terrorism is one of their  political consequences in the Arab world .


Rawabet Center for  Research and Strategic Studies